Thursday, 17 August 2017

High Speed Fursuit

The Date Rape Drug Story

A friend and I left another friend's place, we go to his jeep parked behind some buildings in the downtown of our small town.
We get in the jeep and I notice out of the corner of my eye, to the left...
What appears to be a small man untuck himself from the leg/floor area of the passenger side of a vehicle next to us
Then shift over into the driver's seat and proceed to gtfo real quick as if something nefarious was discovered
I told my friend what I just saw and the idiot he was (not been friends for well over a decade)
I said, maybe it was some guy sleeping one off and got paranoid or embarrassed or both
He decided to follow them.
He caught up to them speeding to do so, and stayed behind the car.
It started driving out of town and began using turn signals, pretending to start a turn and then quickly staying in the initial lane
I keep telling my friend, who was the only one of us with a cell this being a long time ago - To call this in as a potential drunk driver

He would just laugh and keep up his retarded pursuit.

Meanwhile I am fucking yelling at him, to call it in. Fucker thought the thrill of the chase or whatever was more rewarding than stopping a potential drunk driver from killing themselves and/or someone else
I was fucking pissed (angry, not drinking)

This goes on until we reach the neighboring town and we are immediately pulled over and surrounded by tons of police vehicles.

So we are approached and arrested and placed both in the back of the same squad car
I was just completely honest with the officer, explaining it the same way I just did you, cause that's the truth
I didn't do nuffin
I had no qualms about throwing that idiot under the bus because he was being stupid
The cop decided to call what he thought was my bluff and asked me what the license plate was, considering I said I wanted to call it in.
I recited the plate verbatim, obviously. I had been looking at it for 15 minutes while arguing with an idiot

The cop informs us they got a call from a terrified woman who said she was being chased and terrorized by two young men in a car.
My former friend didn't even deny the truth I told about his behavior

Then, other officers were searching his car and the cop talking to us asked him if they were going to find anything.
He wasn't honest, moreso he just didn't say anything at all
So, then friend tells the cop that he has "a small portion of marijuana" in a defeated voice and tells him where to instruct his fellow officers to find it.
I was a big pothead back then, so was he, but I didn't even know he had any weed on him and we hadn't smoked any

So, they find a glass pipe and his 20 bag or whatever.
And somewhere in this mess the cop asks us what we do for a living
We were both like 17 I think
I told him what I did, construction type shit, family business

he doesn't inquire further about that.
Then my friend answers that question.
Tells him he's off to college to be an haboraculturist or whatever
"the cultivation, management, and study of individual trees, shrubs, vines, and other perennial woody plants. The science of arboriculture studies how these plants grow and respond to cultural practices and to their environment. The practice of arboriculture includes cultural techniques such as selection, planting, training, fertilization, pest and pathogen control, pruning, shaping, and removal."
That's wiki

The cop then starts telling him he's going to let him skate on the pot charge because he has a "bright future".
This is why I brought up his undenial of anything I said about his behavior, because the cop believed this idiot had a bright future.
(He later got addicted to coke and fucked up his life)
After the "bright future" praise from officer retardo...
His fellow officer brings him something from my friend's car
The cop then asks us "What is this?"
He holds up what is obviously a Visine bottle, but my friend had scratched off the labels for some reason.
"Is this rohypnol?"
Friend: "What's rohypnol?"

Cop: It's a date rape drug
Friend" Oh, NO! it's just Visine!"

Friend motions for the cop to hand it to him while proclaiming he'll prove it by putting it in his eyes
The cop literally just shrugged and handed it to him.
He proceeds to put it in his eyes and all is well.
I always loved that part though. How does the cop know this person isn't just lying so they can overdose on rohypnol
so much procedure unfollowed

So after the cop praised him for making a mistake and declaring he doesn't want to tarnish this lad's bright future, he asks us.
"Do you have any questions before I release you?"
Friend: "No"
Me: Yeah, what if that really was rohypnol he put in his eyes?"
Then we left

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